Thursday, January 17, 2013

Car Exhaust Diesel Smoke Can Cause Cancer

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in France, the exhaust fumes from diesel cars is a major cause of cancer.

Based on the body that are part of the World Health Organization (Wold Health Organization or WHO), the origin of diesel vehicle exhaust has a deadly cancer causing carcinogens such as asbestos, arsenic, alcohol, tobacco, and mustard gas.

Research shows that people who are affected by exposure to diesel fumes on a regular basis can lead to cancer, as well as passive smoking. Origin of diesel exhaust can cause lung cancer and bladder cancer.

The decision was the result of a week-long meeting of independent experts assess the latest scientific evidence on the cancer-causing potential of diesel and gasoline exhaust.

"Given the health effects of diesel particles, exposure to mixtures of these chemicals must be reduced in the whole world," said the chairman of the IARC working group that conducts research, Christopher Portier, as reported by Dailymail.

This group showed a large study in the United States, published by the U.S. National Cancer Institute in March 2012. The study examined 12,300 miners for decades began in 1947. The researchers discovered, the miners who are exposed to fumes of diesel engines have a higher risk of dying from lung cancer.

Although diesel engine exhaust was defined by IARC carcinogenic to humans 2A level in 1989, but a team of advisers have repeatedly called for a re-evaluation on the subject since 1998.

This announcement has raised concerns among manufacturers of cars and trucks. The manufacturer claims that the diesel engines manufactured by them constantly refined. Diesel fumes have confirmed the global automotive industry must be given a rating to reflect tightening emission standards.

IARC said that there have been recent advances in technology that can reduce the level of particulates and chemicals in exhaust fumes, particularly in developed countries, but it is unclear how these cuts impact on human health.


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